Monday, August 11, 2008

A loss for Missouri women

Last Tuesday, the State Senate race for District 7 was decided in the Republican primary. The district is strongly Republican, so the primary decides the race. Despite strong grass-roots support, Gina Loudon lost.
With Loudon's loss, Missouri women lost the loudest voice in the Capitol speaking out for our right to choose a midwife, and for our right to give birth at home with a qualified attendant.
With Jane Cunningham's win, the medical associations gained another pawn in their fight against pregnant women's autonomy. Cunningham has been a representative for eight years. Years ago, she twice voted in favor of midwifery. Since then, however, the doctors' unions convinced her to switch her loyalty from constituents to contributors. In return, the medical lobby financed Cunningham's campaign for State Senate. They now control two Missouri State Senators, Cunningham and Graham (D-Columbia).


Steven M Nielson said...

I am sorry to read this. As a Libertarian Republican, it is sad to read that there are politicians pushing to regulate healthcare in this manner. A family should be able to choose home birth and midwifery, so long as the child has the appropriate medical care on hand... which comes with the midwife.

Another push for government control over healthcare, by Democrats or Republicans is troubling... but is going to be more common should we move towards a national style healthcare program... uniformity for all is the trend...

How Sad!

Unknown said...

Of course, most 'libertarians' are dupes of the corporate oligarchy - how naive to think that laissez-faire means vox populi! And if you parse Steve's statement, you'll see that he equates change (i.e. loosening the restrictions around obstetrics) with 'government control'. WTF? 2==4? RightToChoose == gummint interference.
Jessi, your instincts and direction are beautiful and righteous - you go, girl!


Hello just found your blog by chance via Swedelife. The name Gina Loudon came bouncing out of the page. Is this lady British? and back in the 90's involved with VBAC? If it is, what a small world? She helped me when I was deciding to have a VBAC homebirth in the UK. Good luck with your campaigns...birth is a social, life event and should be amongst family and friends. Midwives - skilled trained professionals should be the first person to assist women in normal labour to birth their babies!

Julie x